Jivamukti Modern Hybrid Style of Yoga

Jivamukti's modern hybrid style of yoga was founded by two partners: Sharon Gannon and David Life in New York in 1984, and it uses many styles of yoga.

Jivamukti yoga is physical, principled, and spiritual, it combines many energetic movements of yoga. Jivamukti Yoga has become very popular among many celebrities.

Hold five Core Jivamukti Yoga beliefs.

In 1986, they traveled together to India and completed a Jivamukti yoga teacher training program in Sivananda. Returning from India, they opened the first Jivamukti Yoga Society in New York.
The name Jivamukti comes from Sanskrit - Jivanmuktih, in which jiva is an individual living soul, and Mukti takes root. Thus, the Jivamukti yoga method is "liberation in life."

The followers of the Jivamukti adhere to five basic beliefs. These:

Sastra or scripture, this refers to the study of Sanskrit and the four main texts of yoga. The four scriptures are Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Bhagavad Gita, and Upanishads.

Bhakti literally means “devotion to God,” it is a practice of devotion and modesty. These are the beliefs of Jivamukti Yoga; It does not matter what form of God you love or betray, but your love and devotion must be directed to something higher than yourself or the ego.

Ahimsa is the path of non-violence or harm. Ahimsa learns to have compassion.

Nada Yoga is a type of yoga that focuses on listening to your inner being while singing. This is based on the idea that everything around us is energy and consists of a sound vibration called nada.

Dhyana is meditation, the practice of peace, and observing how your mind thinks. This teaches a person that he is more than his thoughts. All Jivamukti Yoga classes always include meditation.

There are also five types of different classes in the Jivamukti Yoga method:

Open class: Jivamukti Outdoor classroom; they are based on global recruitment and the "focus of the month." Sharon Gannon writes an essay, which is then studied in yoga classes through “Dharma talks,” Sanskrit singing, yoga writing, music, asanas (postures or poses), pranayama (breathing), and meditation. The largest area of ​​the class consists of yoga asana practiced as vinyasa.

Base class: Jivamukti Base class is a four-week essential program that explores various aspects of this yoga every week.

Vinyasa Beginner: Jivamukti Vinyasa Beginners are designed to give a yoga student the fundamentals of how the practice works.

Otherworldly Warrior: Jivamukti spiritual warrior classes are designed for busy people who can only have one hour to practice yoga. There are a number of sequences that the student follows. It includes; warming up, asanas, singing, relaxation, and meditation.

Meditation: a method of meditation in Jivamukti yoga, which consists of three stages: sit down, calm down, and focus. Mantra gives primary interest. The mantra “Let go” is taught to all students of the Jivamukti.
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