The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali #1.12-1.16

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali # 1.12: Abhyasa Vairagyabhyam tat Nirodhah: These structures of ideas are created through learning and lack of communication.

This is a very important sutra because it provides two main “methods” or “ways” to get to Nirodhi; Mind control. The first way is a spiritual practice. This practice can be of any form or method, depending on the sympathies of the student. Abhyasa means the general form of practice when you apply it in everyday life, making decisions based on a serene mind with spiritual standards, with the goal of creating even more serenity. Yoga Sutras provide several examples of other forms of spiritual practice (sadhana): Yamas and Niyama, which are dedicated to getting rid of certain qualities and perfecting others, chanting mantras (Japa), concentration or practice of pranayama (breathing / prana-control). In fact, any form of meditation can be considered a spiritual practice.
Spiritual practice is a very broad subject, which ultimately must narrow for each person more and more. The Yoga Sutras and other scriptures provide many practices that can make you feel insecure or disappointed because you think you will have to practice them all for decades. This happens to many novice seekers, they lose themselves in the volume of training. At first, it would be useful to expand your orientation and your knowledge of spiritual practices and principles that you can apply to your lifestyle, but your specific practices, such as meditation, should be reduced to one or two practices that are most useful to you. , You can apply various principles known to you, set forth in the sutras of yoga or any other source of spiritual development, in various situations, if they are suitable for the moment, but when you practice with a specific goal of raising consciousness, you should first focus on one practice.
In the end, all practices lead to the same place/result. Keep this in mind. All sutras and practices of yoga are intended for one purpose: sutras of Patanjali summary, union. Some have less important elements attached to their exercises, some contain only the most important elements, but all have the same goal. The most important of all meditations is called Vipassana meditation; Introspection. This is the practice of pure observation. For more specific information, see: Witnessing the Mind. The yoga sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda Sanskrit and with translation, the explanation is very easy to read.

Another way is to develop/practice detachment. The Sutra says: these mental forms take hold of practice and detachment. This seems to indicate that there is a difference between spiritual practice and detachment. Although detachment is also practice in itself, it is more than just practice. It is a way of life; state of being; good as a result of yoga sutra practice and meditation.

Lack of attachment enhances/determines the success of each spiritual practice. Lack of attachment is the most important part of the yoga sutras quotes and their practices. The less you are attached to everything, including the consequences of your other-worldly practice, the stronger will your soil be for development. You will get a constant and quick foundation in the event that you are not connected with external articles, topics, and results. Communication upsets the psyche, the lack of communication makes it quiet. Calmness and clarity of the brain - this is what we need to build with a goal so that we can pass by the psyche. All rehearsals of readiness are aimed at making the brain more peaceful.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali # 1.13:

Tatra Sthitau Yatnah Abhyasa: Of the two (practice and non-attachment), practice means taking appropriate efforts and actions to establish a calm state of mind.
This (Abhyasa) is a more general form of practice, which is not so much about practicing or focusing on something specific in order to create any particular result at the moment, but rather in creating the right attitude to life situations in a way that allows you to remain calm at any time and under any circumstances. More than enough of the future yogic sutras about creating such an attitude to life, so there is no need to discuss it in more detail at this time.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali # 1.14:

Sah Tu Dirga Kala Nairantyra Sankara Asevitah Dridha Bhumih When this (Abhyasa) is performed for a long time, without interruption and in all seriousness, the desired state (peace and tranquility) becomes firmly rooted.

When we want our practice to have the maximum result, three qualities should be included in our practices: 1) The practice should be maintained for a long period of time. 2) This must be practiced without interruption. 3) Our attitude to practice should be based on devotion and honesty.

The practice should be followed for a long time if we want to see the true and fundamental transformation in our perception, character, and expression.
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