Yoga definition as given by the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali #1.1-1.4

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali # 1.1:

Yoga Definitions given by the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali #1.1-1.4: Ata Yoga Anushasanam: Now (after you have completed or let go of the Preparatory, or the initial, stages of life), the practice of yoga begins.

This is the first of all, yoga sutras of Patanjali summary and it has two main goals. The first goal is to indicate that everything that follows (sutras) will define and explain the practice of yoga; definition of yoga. The second goal is to indicate that in order to sincerely begin and achieve the highest success on the path to enlightenment or self-realization, one must be prepared. The patanjali Stotram lyrics meaning modifications and activity of the mind.
You must be prepared: not in the sense of a healthy diet, adequate sleep, preparing a room for meditation or listening to music, etc. This means that you must be prepared in the highest sense of the word; ready to start with yoga, the path to self-realization. Prepared with a sense of sincerity enough to devote yourself to this learning and be happy to give up everything that holds you back. According to the definition of yoga, in order to be truly prepared, you need to finish or let go of what you wanted to do from a social point of view. The preparatory stages of your life (childhood, study, parenting, etc.) should feel complete, completed, or unnecessary to the extent that you are ready to let it go.

Only with such a degree of readiness can the actual goal of determining yoga (following Sutras No. 1.2 and No. 1.3) be revealed to the student. I am not saying that this cannot be done otherwise, but it will be a much slower process, and the ultimate goal of enlightenment will probably not be achieved in this life. Regular progress in the spiritual sphere can be achieved at any stage of life, but in order to become a Buddha, a high level of readiness is required. An internal decision to be ready may arise at earlier stages of life before a person enters the stage of education or even the stage of training. It depends on many factors regarding the evolution of personality.

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali # 1.2:

Yogesh Chitta Vritti Nirodhah: Yoga is the restriction (control, mastery) of modifications (changes, movements, thought forms) of the mind field.

Sutra # 1.2 is the most fundamental of the yoga sutras; this is the definition of yoga. It characterizes yoga, unity, self-affirmation, mind control, and enlightenment.

There are many words that can be used to translate Nirodha, although not one of them can fully understand the meaning of the word in Sanskrit. Nirodha defines the state of experience, not intellectual understanding. Roughly speaking, Nirodha means control or restraint. In the context of this sutra, we must understand it as the state that I call the Control of the Mind, in which the field of the mind and all thought forms (content) are completely under the control of consciousness. Also see: Consciousness and Mind.

How to achieve this state Nirodhi is the main theme of this site, and it is also explained later in the Yoga Sutras. When this state of Mind Control is achieved, an obvious result ensues. Nirodha and the Control of the Mind are terms that define practice, action, creation. Self-realization, Yoga, and Enlightenment - these are the terms that determine the result arising from this institution. Both the action and the result are inseparable.

The result of the Control of the Mind or Nirodhi is defined in the following sutra: Sutra No. 1.3. Sutras No. 1.2 and No. 1.3 are two sutras that define yoga practice and the result obtained from this practice.

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali # 1.3:

Tada Drashtuh Svarupe Avastkhanam: Then the forecaster stands (and rests) in his own real and key I.

This sutra of the definition of yoga describes a state that is the result of Nirodhi or; Mind control. It happens that a seer, observer, witness, consciousness remains dependent only on its own essence. He finds a feeling of satisfaction and abides in himself. This observer is free. He is no longer dependent and identified with the transient forms and forms of nature and mind. This consciousness is no longer associated with creation; consciousness is liberated. You are now in the world, but you are not of the world. This is yoga

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali # 1.4:

Vritti Sarupyam Itaratra: In other cases, the seer identifies (gets lost in) the modification (thought form) of the mind field.

When we are not in a state of pure consciousness, as indicated in the sutra No. 1.3 of the definition of yoga, we must be in some other state of being. These conditions may differ, given the different levels of manifestation and mind, but they are all in the mind. They are all forms, forms, creations; not a consciousness that is formless and not manifested.

When we seem to take the form of our thought forms, we are not aware of ourselves, of our consciousness. When consciousness is not aware of itself, it is subject to illusion or Maya. Consciousness then seems to take the form of these objects of creation (that is, the body, self-image, desire, etc.) and erroneously(thought-forms) of the mind field.

When we are not residing in the state of pure consciousness as stated in yoga definition sutra #1.3, we must be residing in some other state of beingness. These states can differ considering the different levels of manifestation and the mind, but they are all within the mind. They are all forms, shapes, creations; not consciousness, which is formless and unmanifested.

When we appear to take on the form of our thought-forms, we are unconscious of our Self, our consciousness. When consciousness is not aware of itself, it is subject to illusion, or Maya. Consciousness then appears to take on the form of these objects of creation (i.e. body, a self-image, a desire, etc.) and mistakenly beliefs itself to be one or all of those things. This is the reason the question: "Who am I?" assumes such a significant job in the excursion towards Self Realization. Once we find out the true answer to this question; not by intellectually saying: "I am this", or "I am that" but by truly realizing it within, we are enlightened.

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