Postnatal Yoga Poses and Practices

Here providing the information on postnatal yoga poses and practices back into your yoga routine as you continue to heal. Childbirth is a real dream and a wonderful act of a woman. At the same time, it brings a lot of stress and tension to the mother's body. Mood swings, hormonal imbalances, depression, pain in joints and bones, overweight - problems that occur after a postpartum pregnancy, However, to get rid of all these problems, we need to act quickly to restore normal life and body to shape. Therefore, the solution is yoga after pregnancy or yoga after childbirth. Yoga after a pregnancy reduces stress, pain, and improves posture.

Postpartum yoga when to start can about six weeks after birth. Just as a warning, we must consult the doctor's recommendations regarding the appropriate time for postpartum yoga. Yoga after childbirth or yoga for weight loss is recommended by all doctors, as this is the only mild way to exercise without undue stress. In the case of the cesarean section, it is good to wait before resuming postpartum yoga.

Yoga after pregnancy can be very useful for mom and baby. There are poses to strengthen communication and stimulate the child. The hot benefits yoga postpartum if you prefer to practice at home may be eager to resume your yoga practice and postnatal yoga poses to avoid.

Let's understand some of the benefits of yoga post-pregnancy postures:

Kegel exercises: during labor, the pelvic floor weakens due to persistent labor pains and jerks, this exercise helps strengthen the pelvic floor.

Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II Pose): This is a standing pose that increases stamina. improves balance and relieves back pain

Pelvic sway: This helps to strengthen the abdomen, as, during pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are weakened. But before starting this pose, consult your doctor.

Viparita Karani: After giving birth, the routine changes, sleepless nights, etc. This leads to fatigue; To overcome this problem, this pose is recommended.

Spread your leg forward (Upavista Konsana): this yoga after pregnancy is primarily aimed at activating the body and achieving inner peace.

Plow Pose (Halasana): In this yoga position, your spine is stretched, resulting in improved spinal flexibility. Even this is useful for the thyroid gland, abdomen, reduces stress in the shoulders and back.
Corpse Pose: This pose gives complete relaxation.

Thus, yoga after pregnancy stimulates deeper breathing, relieves stress, and increases energy, increases the ability to reduce sadness and depression.

Here are some post-pregnancy yoga tips:

For instant results, never overdo it with practice.

After childbirth, stretch marks appear on the stomach, yoga brings the stomach and compresses the skin.

Perform some exercises to strengthen your back.

Do yoga regularly to achieve better results, but do not stretch or twist too much, as this is harmful to young mothers.

There are several poses that should be made together by mom and baby, do this to strengthen the bond between them.
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